The subtitle of this post is:
"The #1 thing you and your dog DO NOT want to experience at 3:00 AM!"
(see photo below)

In the almost 30 years we've been married, we've had three German-Shorthaired Pointers and although we've had some close calls with "Black & White Kittycats," not one dog has ever gotten "sprayed" until this morning. I put Sophie out and didn't notice the skunk at the side of the house, but of course, she spotted it right away and took off in hot pursuit. She wouldn't come back when I called and I didn't have my slippers on to go and chase her. Of course I was in a panic and by the time I finally found the spotlight and my slippers, she was on her way back--rubbing her face on the ground and with her paws--you all have probably seen enough TV shows to know that's
definitely not a good sign!!
When I walked over to her, I knew right away that her encounter with her first skunk ended badly!
PEEYEW what a stink! Fortunately for all of us, Wal-Mart is less than 10 minutes away and open 24 hours, so I threw on some clothes and made a run for the emergency clean-up supplies. The helpful greeter told me about the skunk shampoo they had over in the pet aisle and I purchased some tomato juice too (just in case the shampoo didn't work). Mr. Johnson kept Sophie company while she was stuck in her kennel until I got back. Turns out she only got sprayed in the face, but I'm amazed at how truly stinky that skunk smell is--our whole house just reeks--especially the basement where Sophie's kennel is (the kennel is now sitting outside with the hopes that some fresh air and sunshine will help the smell dissipate).
Poor Sophie--knowing how she is when chasing the other little critters in our backyard, I bet she actually bit down on that skunk. Can you imagine how awful that must taste? I had her in the tub for over an hour, but couldn't get all the smell off her face for fear of getting the shampoo or tomato juice in her eyes, so I got some deodorizing wipes that I hope will work if I wipe her face frequently enough. I also picked up some room odor absorbers that I hope will help eliminate the smell in the house. If anyone else has had this experience and has some good tips to share, I'd be more than happy to hear them. In the meantime, if you come to visit me, I won't be offended if you walk in the house and say, "what's that smell??"