Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's a Boy! or maybe a girl.....

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Bluebird!  Proud parents of these newly hatched babies.  I think there might be a third one underneath, but I didn't want to mess around with them too much on this chilly afternoon.
I'll check back in a few days to see how these little ones are progressing.


Mama Pea said...

Lots of babies are cute as could be. Bird babies are not. How come they don't hatch with feathers like chickens or ducks or geese?

I'm amazed at the pictures you get of eggs and newly hatched birdies in the nests. Do the mom and pop birds every dive bomb you?

Lisa said...

Hey Ruthie! How do you get your amazing photos like this one?! Awesome! Thank you for sharing with us.

Mary C said...

Very cool, Ruthie! They must have hatched just minutes before you took that photo. I hope you find the third one since you mentioned it in a previous post.

Mollie said...

These baby bluebird are so well, unattractive, they are almost cute. That would be ALMOST! Good thing the parents make sure their nest is warm and cozy. And yes, don't the parents divebomb you? In my running days I would run through this park and one time this red-winged blackbird decided I was too close to an unseen nest and literally flew in several times to peck me on the head! Thanks for sharing these great springtime photos of MOther Nature doing her thing.

Kelly said...

:-) Sweet....I hope they make it!

RuthieJ said...

You're right Mama Pea -- these newly hatched bird babies aren't very cute at all! And yes, I do get dive-bombed once in a while, but not usually by the bluebirds....the tree swallows are much less tolerant of me peeking at their babies.

Thanks Lisa. I think the bluebirds are used to me checking on their nest, so they give me a few moments to open up the nest box and snap several quick photos.

Hi Mary, yes, there were 3 babies.

Thanks Mollie. The bluebirds are pretty mellow, but I've got some red-winged blackbirds nesting in the far part of the yard and they are not very tolerant of my presence, although I can honestly say I've never been pecked. OUCH!! Their beaks are really sharp!

Thanks Kelly, there is a sad ending to the story though..... Last Thursday nite a raccoon got all the babies & the mom too, I think (I didn't get a baffle on the pole in time). The coon also got all 7 of my goldfish that have lived outside for the past 3 summers. I bought a trap on Saturday -- a zero tolerance policy has been now been instituted on raccoons.