Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunny Saturday

It's hard to believe we're enjoying our second sunny day in a row, and tomorrow's supposed to be sunny too. Hopefully this will tide us over through the possible winter storm the weatherman keeps talking about for Monday.It's in the 20's and hardly any wind today. The sun is so bright coming in the windows and my pets are soaking it up. I've even got some laundry hanging out on the line and it's actually drying pretty fast.

We visited the Fish & Pets store this morning. Ohmigosh, so many fish! Now I really want to add another larger aquarium somewhere in my house and give my guppies some new fishy friends.

After seeing all those nice clean aquariums at the store, I decided I'd better clean out my goldfish aquarium this afternoon. Their water was starting to look pretty murky and when I took the filters out I realized why. Yucky stuff! I took out 5 gallons of water and replaced it with clean. (Some of the old water goes for watering my houseplants, plus I'm taking a gallon of it to work for a co-worker's and my plants--good aquatic fertilizer!)

I dropped in a seashell I found in Florida years ago. I'm sure the goldies don't care, but I think it adds an exotic look to their home.
I like being able to see these beautiful, huge goldfish up close. Once the weather warms up and I get my backyard pond going again, these fishies are headed back outside for the summer.

Here's a little video of them swimming around in their tank. The little flecks you see floating around is their food.

I got a note in the mail today addressed to "Aunt Ruthie Johnson" from my nephew in California. How cute is this? My brother must be drilling it into little Charlie's head that Aunt Ruthie is nuts about birds.

Thanks for the note Charlie, you made my day!


  1. What a cute note and drawing from Charlie. It would look nice on the frig! It sure was beautiful outside today. The air smelled so sweet and fresh. I forgot how relaxing it is to watch fishies swimming. Sigh.....

  2. Hi Lynne,
    I thought about putting it on the frig, but there's so much other stuff on there already, I'll have to try and decide what to take down.
    We just watched the local weather and it looks like once we get through the snow early in the week next weekend's going to be even nicer. I'll take it!

  3. but isn't it true you are a nut for birds! I know I am! Love your fishy and sometimes I miss my fish that I had! Although, they do take time with cleaning!

  4. Ruthie,

    Awww. What a sweet kid. He knows with Aunt Ruthie likes...

    Watching your fishy video made me wonder why I haven't learned to video my koi!

    So glad you have some sun. Won't be long, Ruthie, and you'll be tending to your pond.


  5. Seeing your aquariums makes me miss having one, or two, or three. I always like having fish around. When we get into the new house...

  6. What a sweet nephew to send you such a cute card. I love relaxing to watch fish swimming around so effortlessly.

  7. Grampy and I got a thank you from Charlie today too, ours has a flower on the front, just like the ones blooming in the back yard of their home. Charlie picked some and brought them in and they were on the table for supper the other day. Oh to have flowers blooming and to smell them, I can dream can't I.
    Liked your fish video, if they grow so much this year you'll have to get a bigger aquarium next year.
    It was a beautiful day, we enjoyed it.

  8. Funny you should comment on 2 sunny days in a row. We got that too! and also are expecting sun tomorrow. We have hardly had 2 hours of sun together this winter.

  9. We had sun for 4 minutes today.
    Love the note. I think all kids draw birds the same...from the side, with three toes.
    I love goldfish. But all of them that we have loved over the years...well, every time it ended badly. Except for the one Geoff had when we first got married. Roger lived for 8 years.

    BTW: I wore my mitts tonight when I went to get the birds for a program. They worked so well, my palms were SWEATING.

  10. My sister used to have a large salt water aquarium, and a small stick on sign in the corner read, "This is not a hobby. It's a full time job." :c) Sam used to have goldfish, but got discouraged when they went to heaven every two years or so.

    LOVE the drawing from Charlie! TOOOO sweet!

  11. Awwwww . . . that love letter is so sweet.

    I love your fishys. I wish I had the gumption to have an aquarium. I'll just replay your video ;0)

    Better get those clothes in off your clothes line with that storm coming. We get it next!

  12. Hi Mon@rch,
    Yes, it's true. The fish aren't too much work and I sure enjoy watching them (so does Kitty!)

    Hi Mare,
    Charlie is a sweet little guy!
    You should get one of those Auqa-Vue cameras to see underwater video of your koi.

    Hi Deb,
    It's so hypnotic watching those fish in the aquarium. I sure would like to have a larger one with a variety of different fish.

    Hi Meggie,
    Charlie is a very cute little boy. I wish he didn't live so far away....
    My goldfish seem quite happy in their newly clean water--it's nice to be able to see them better too.

    Hi Mom,
    Sounds like Charlie was a busy little guy last week making all his thank-you cards.
    I'm surprised these goldfish have lived so many years--I think I'm going into year 4 with these two.

    Hi Ruth,
    It's really nice to see the sun, isn't it? And I'm amazed at how much stronger and warmer it's become already too.

    Hi Susan,
    I bet you guys have gotten more snow than us this winter! You must be as tired of dreary days as I am.
    8 Years for a goldfish? That's pretty neat--I hope mine live half that long (although they've done pretty good for $2.49 Wal-Mart goldfish)
    Glad those mitts are working out for you!

    Hi Jayne,
    They had some salt water fishies at the store. I love those gorgeous colors, but $32 for 1 clownfish? My budget says "stick with the guppies!"

    Hi Cathy,
    No such thing as a care-free pet--even fish. You always have to find someone to feed them even if you're only going to be gone a few days.
    Our sun went away shortly after noon today and my laundry finished drying in the clothes dryer. :-(

  13. Ruthie, your goldfish brought back memories of Fred. Fred was a goldfish that came home with my children from the County fair. He lived with us about 6 years. Fred was such a sweet fellow. Not quite a fancy as your goldie but sweet none the less. I missed him when he died.

    I have had goldfish in our little water feature but the racoons come and eat them so I don't put goldies out any more. They are such fun to watch.

    Such a sweet note from your little Charlie.


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