Sunday, March 8, 2009

And the Winner is......

Thanks to everyone for participating in Caption Contest #1. It was hard to choose a winner because all the captions were so clever and funny, but my brother Phil laughed loudest at this caption from my new blog readers, D and Suz from Brandon, FL.

Way to go D and Suz! Please send me an e-mail (you'll find the address on my profile page) with your USPS address and whether you'd like to receive JERKY or JELLY as your prize.


  1. LOL, congrats to the winner!

  2. I thought that one was the funniest too! Congrats to D and Suz!

  3. THANK YOU Sooo much! Glad ya'll thought it was funny (I must admit made me laugh a little while I was writing it)! I can't wait to get my treat!!!

  4. Well deserved. It's hilarious and fitting!

  5. Great caption! Hilarious! Congrats to D and Suz.

  6. Very cute--it matches the little praying paws--please let me in, honey.

  7. Very good contest! Congrats to the winner!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Even though I don't always get a chance to respond right away, please know that I (and many others!) enjoy reading them.