Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some Cool Podcast and Blog Stuff

I got an e-mail from Larry at the Brownstone Birding blog this morning letting me know that he and I had gotten a mention on one of Steve Moore's BirdwatchRadio podcasts. Steve also mentioned talking to Dawn and Jeff (of Dawn's Bloggy Blog) at the recent Space Coast Birding Festival. You can listen to the podcast at this link:
If you're an iTunes subscriber, you can listen and subscribe to all of Steve's BirdWatchRadio podcasts, or listen on-line at his website (posted on my sidebar links under "Podcasts I Enjoy"). Steve always has interesting and fun programs and you never know when he's going to interview a birder or blogger you might know!

Several weeks ago Jennifer Schlick invited me to contribute a blog post on white-tailed deer for her "Animals of Western New York" blog (I think it's a pretty sure bet that white-tailed deer in western New York look and behave the same as our Minnesota deer!) This week I finally got my pictures and story ideas together and sent everything off to her. Here's the link to my post on Jennifer's blog. Thanks Jennifer for giving me this opportunity to contribute to your blog!


  1. How nice. I will have to pop over and see your post.

  2. Well I had no idea that Steve mentioned us in his podcast. We have been in mostly remote places and haven't been able to listen to anything streaming..videos etc.
    I am trying to download his podcast now but it is so slow..I will wait till I have a better broadband connection.
    Were you at the spacecoast birding festival?
    Anyway thanks for the heads up..
    and I will check out your guest post on Jennifer's site

  3. Congratulations Ruthie. I did even know there were such things as "guest bloggers." Sort of like a guest on "Meet The Press."

  4. Thanks Lisa.

    Hi Dawn,
    I wasn't at the Space Coast Birding Festival, but sure wished I had been.....I think that was the coldest week we had all winter in Minnesota and even though you had some chilly temps in Florida, anything would have been way warmer than here!

    Hi Troutbirder,
    It was fun to be a guest blogger and it is kind of the like "Meet the Press." I think Jennifer picked me because I have a little more knowledge of deer than the average person PLUS she used all the pictures I sent her too!

  5. How exciting Ruthie! And what a great post on the white-tailed deer. :c)

  6. You are becoming quite a blogging celebrity, RuthieJ! Any anyone who reads your blog regularly knows why. Congrats! You deserve it! I've learned so much from your blog and I know others have too.


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