Monday, May 18, 2009

2009 Minnesota Master Naturalist State Conference

There are going to be lots of photos in this post, so my apologies to those of you who are still dial-up users.

This past weekend the 2009 Minnesota Master Naturalist State Conference was held at the Audubon Center of the North Woods near Sandstone, MN, and I was in attendance from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening.

I had hoped to arrive by the 3:00 PM Friday afternoon birding trip, but I ended up leaving about an hour later than I had planned. Fortunately, for me, the birding trip was delayed until 4 PM. Unfortunately, it started raining (hard!) around 3:45 PM, so we birded from the front porch of the Audubon center. They had this HUGE hopper feeder right outside the front door and we were able to see quite a few cooperative birds right at this feeder (I didn't get shots of the red-breasted nuthatch and pine warbler that also visited the feeder this afternoon).
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak & White-Breasted Nuthatch

Under the eaves of the front porch a Cliff Swallow had crafted this fine gourd-shaped mud nest. In spite of all of us standing on the front porch, she did finally fly into her nest. The pale spot on her forehead was quite noticeable as she peeked out at us from the nest entrance.

"Please go away now, large've taken enough pictures!"

Here are some of my Master Naturalist classmates who also attended the conference (L to R): Kate, Linda, Joel and Barbara. Joel was in a previous class, but I already knew him from my Mayo days (plus he's one of Minnesota's "Top Gun Birders" -- to borrow one of Troutbirder's definitions).

This is the main conference room at the Audubon Center. As you can see, our group had it pretty much filled up. I loved all the windows around this room and especially the six stained-glass windows up towards the top of the wall (click to enlarge the picture).

I was excited when I first got the conference schedule to see that Ann Bancroft was going to be a keynote speaker on Friday night at our conference.
Ann told us stories of growing up in Minnesota and being inspired by her mom, of her polar expeditions, and most importantly of her never-ending goal to educate and inspire all people (and especially girls and women) to pursue their dreams in life--no matter how big or small. Talk about female superpowers!! If you ever get the chance to hear Ann speak, please do so, I guarantee you won't be disappointed. And the really neat thing is that she's not full of herself at all--just a genuinely nice and gracious person!

After our rainy Friday, Saturday morning dawned windy and cold. However, that didn't stop us hardy Minnesotans from getting outside before breakfast for the 7 AM bird hike.
There wasn't much bird activity this chilly morning, but I did get my first Ovenbird and Chestnut-Sided Warbler of the year. (When I was heading back to my next class session after breakfast, I did actually spot a few snow flurries in the air! I was really thankful I hadn't forgotten to pack my wool long johns!)

My morning classes were "Rain Barrels and Rain Gardens" and "Aquatic Plant Survey." Deb (Sand Creek Almanac) was one of presenters of the aquatic plant survey class. Here'a an "action shot" of Deb showing some of the participants what types of aquatic vegetation can be found during a lake survey (the plants are on the edge of the boat behind the person in the blue jacket).

I was happy to see Deb again and after class we were able to spend a little bit of time together enjoying lunch and catching up on some things going on outside the "blog world."

The Audubon Center of the North Woods provides quite a bit of its own power. They have a geothermal heating system, their own wind turbine, and these solar array panels (that move to follow the direction of the sun). We were happy that the sun did decide to come out late Saturday morning and even though it was still chilly, the sun made it much more bearable.

Our Saturday afternoon consisted of a field trip to Moose Lake, Minnesota (about 20 miles north of Sandstone. There we visited the Moose Lake Historical Society and 1918 Fire Museum (located in the old railroad depot).

We learned a little bit about the 1918 fire in our Master Naturalist class. More people lost their lives as a result of this fire than the famous Hinckly fire and when someone asked the gentleman at the museum why we never heard much about the Moose Lake fire, he told us that it was overshadowed by the WWI headlines of that time period.

This map in the museum shows the areas affected by that huge 1918 fire--all the way to the shore of Lake Superior north of Duluth!

After the museum, we also visited the Blacklock Galleries in downtown Moose Lake (no photos) and then headed out to the Moose Lake Agate and Geological Center at Moose Lake State Park.

I thought this Minnesota state map created of native stone and embedded in the floor of the Moose Lake State Park headquarters building was pretty neat.

After learning more about agates and agate hunting, we boarded the bus one more time to head out to a nearby quarry to search for our own agate treasures.

As you can see, it really turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon and everyone was pretty excited to get out into the quarry and become "rock hounds" for an hour or so.

I'm not much of a rock hound, so I used my time to enjoy the scenery and watch for birds. I always like seeing the birch trees of the north woods--we have very few of these lovely trees in southern Minnesota.

While I was wandering the woods at the edge of the quarry, I heard some frogs singing, so I decided to follow a little trail into the woods and see if I could find where the frogs were singing from. I came upon this pretty little pond (a vernal pool?) and was happy to see quite a bit of bird activity.

A shy Yellow Warbler

Palm Warbler (there were several of these guys around the pond)

On the way back to bus, I even managed to find myself a nice-sized little agate!

We were all loaded back on the bus and ready to head back for supper, but not before Amy (our trip leader) got the DNR van stuck in some loose gravel at the quarry. All of her passengers climbed out of the van and some of the guys from our bus headed over to Amy's rescue.


The conference did have sessions schedule for Sunday morning also, but I opted to depart on Saturday night after supper. This is just such a busy time of year for me and even though I'm only working part-time, I wanted to be able to have Sunday to catch up on some of my chores at home before the work week started again (I even managed to find time to give myself a much-needed haircut on Sunday morning!)

Have a good week everyone!


  1. What a fun weekend you had. I like these out and about nature type posts with new places and things. :)

  2. It looks like you had a really fun weekend, Ruthie. It's great to get outdoors and learn more about nature with others. I sure do love that stone-embedded map of Minnesota. That is so cool looking. Have a great week yourself!

  3. It looked like a fun weekend, a little on the cool side though.

    Did you and Deb have a good time catching up since your last visit?

    I sure looked at that map of MN all made of stone, I don't think I would walk on it, even if it is on the floor. It is a sight to behold.

    Thanks for taking us along on your field trips.


  4. What fun Ruthie!! You were pretty near HAsty Brook when you went to Moose Lake. I've laways meant to visit the Blalock Gallery bu never took the time. What a sweet photo of you and Deb! I'm so proud that you took this class series. It sounds like something I'd like to do some day.

  5. Thanks Troutbirder. It was a great opportunity to get out and experience nature in east-central Minnesota.

    Hi Mary C,
    Glad you were able to "come along" on my trip. Minnesota has a nice variety of habitats to explore.

    You're welcome Mom. It was fun getting to see Deb in person again. She told me about some of the bird sightings in her yard--especially the peacock!

    Hi Lynne,
    I thought of you as we were driving past the Subway on the east side of Moose Lake! I'll have to figure out a way to come up and visit you at Hasty Brook this summer one weekend when you're up there because it's such a great birdy area. I was surprised on this trip to find out that it was less than 3 hours from my house to Sandstone, so a day trip is definitely do-able!

  6. I'm so glad you could make it for the conference. It turned out my role was pretty easy, but that's all right with me! And for once I look okay in a picture. :) It was great talking with you, and maybe if you make it to Hasty this summer I could head up there- it's an hour's drive for me!

  7. What a full weekend of fun. I would have been right into that agate collecting.

  8. That's a nice bit of agate you found Ruthie. That map of the fires was amazing too.

  9. What a great learning experience, Ruthie! Thanks for taking us along.

  10. Ruthie, what a great post! You and Deb look so relaxed and at ease with each other. Sounds like you met interesting people and had fun too!

  11. What a fun weekend Ruthie! I am sure it was so enjoyable being around others who share your passion and joy. And, what a treat to get to see Deb in the bargain!

  12. Hi Deb,
    I'm glad I was able to attend the conference and spend some time with you too. Being from 'lakeless' Olmsted County, it was interesting to hear about your work with the lake studies.

    Hi Gaelyn,
    You would have loved that quarry! There were lots of interesting specimens there--in addition to the agates.

    Hi Red,
    That area of Minnesota has a lot of history (not unlike California!)
    One of the gentlemen who was a guide at the fire museum had an uncle and his mom who survived those fires, so the history is pretty recent too! It was interesting to hear those almost first-hand accounts.

    Hi Meggie,
    Glad you enjoyed it--thanks for coming along.

    Hi Cindy,
    Have you and Vern ever stopped at this Audubon Center of the North Woods? It's a lovely area for birding and nature and only a few miles off I-35.
    (Deb and I were just about froze! The wind was blowing so hard and we were ready to go indoors again.)

    Hi Jayne,
    It was a fun weekend. I was surprised at all ranges in ages from young people to senior citizens, an equal mix of men and women and it was interesting to hear all of their stories and experiences of being Master Naturalists.

  13. "Inspiring girls and women"???
    Hell to the YEAH! I am all over that!!!!

    We can't leave it all up to the men, now can we?

  14. Hi Susan,
    I hope you get a chance to hear Ann speak some day. Her first polar expedition was with Will Steger and 7 other guys. Two guys couldn't even finish and after that, Ann's had all-female expeditions (most recently with Liv Arnesson). We hear more about her expeditions here in Minnesota because Ann's from here, but she works in cooperation with schools and millions of schoolkids can now follow her expeditions via the internet. She leads a pretty amazing life!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Even though I don't always get a chance to respond right away, please know that I (and many others!) enjoy reading them.