Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pennies from Heaven

Do you believe in Pennies from Heaven?  I had never heard the story until I was talking to my sister one day and told her about a penny I had found at the gas station on the day I was leaving for a trip.  "It's a penny from Dad!" she told me.  My dad had passed away only a couple months before and we were really missing him.  Then Sissy sent me a copy of the Pennies from Heaven story.

Now I'm a believer!  It's funny how when things are going bad at work or I just need a little pick me up, sure enough, I look down and there's a penny!  (sometimes even a nickel or a dime if it's a really bad day!)  I seem to be finding them most frequently at work these days.  A couple of my co-workers really try my patience some nights and just when I seem to be losing hope of getting everything done with very little help from my co-worker, I find a penny!  It's like Dad is there cheering me on.  I can almost hear his voice saying, "come on Ruth, finish it up, you've done it before and now you can do it again."  So even though Dad is gone now, I like to believe that he's still looking out for me from Heaven!


  1. What a sweet, lovely post. A few days ago, I found a penny in the bottom of a tote box of old clothing I was sorting through. Hmmmmmm . . .

  2. There you go Mama Pea! Finding a penny in an unlikely place takes on a whole new significance when you realize it's probably a penny from heaven! :-)

  3. I write a comment and prove I'm not a robot and then my message disappears. Hmm. Well, I wanted to say that I love pennies from heaven. Thank you for reminding me about them. And if I were your co-worker I'd make sure to carry my part of the load. Hang in there, Holly's Muvver. And Happy New Year!

  4. Love this, Ruthie! Anything that helps us to focus on the positive light in our lives is such a blessing. And, to smile as you imagine him cheering you on, is just icing on the cake. XO


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