The rules are:
Stories & pictures about birds & nature, mostly in my backyard.....with occasional bits of pets, knitting, weather, food & family thrown in for variety.
Not pictured are the yellow onion sets for the garden and Yukon Gold potatoes that I plan to try growing in garbage cans.
Now that I see all the seeds laid out here, I'm thinking I may have gotten a little overly ambitious about being able to take care of all of these this summer! It certainly will be a colorful garden though if my crops are successful.
I also got an e-mail message yesterday that my my Envirocycle Compost Tumbler has been shipped!
Here's a little treat I picked up for my squirrels at the grocery store.
There was a shopping cart full of clearance priced (99 cents per pound!) Brazil nuts and pecans left over from Christmas (there's 6.4 pounds in these 2 bags). That's a heckuva deal because 2 weeks ago when I bought some of these nuts they were still $3.29 per pound. I just couldn't pass this up and I know my squirrels will be so happy!
(Update: when I was taking some of these pecans out for the squirrels this morning, I decided they were so nice that maybe I'd just better save a few back and make a nice pecan pie for Mr. Johnson.)
And the really amazing thing is that it's a lifelong friendship. Here's BOY with Zha-Zha (one of the 2005 chicks all grown up into a pretty little hen).
I would dearly love to get some chickens for our place here. Michele's advice is to get 4-6 hens but no roosters (because they will drive the neighbors crazy). I'm not too worried about my neighbors, but a rooster might drive my dog Sophie crazy. Her chickens are free range and she says they eat tons of bugs in her yard. Now I just have to convince Mr. Johnson about how nice it would be to have some chickens of our own!
Thanks Michele for sharing allowing me share your story and pictures in my blog.