Mary C. tagged me the other day in this post for the six word memoir, inspired by Hemingway, who once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. He came up with: For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.
Here are the meme rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
I have to say it was a little bit challenging to sum up my life in six words, but I think this pretty much covers it. And in the interest of helping this meme travel farther across the blogosphere, I wish to "tag" these five blogging friends: Lynne at Hasty Brook, Beth in Maine, April in Canada, Maud in Finland, and Robin in Maryland. Good Luck Friends!
Very interesting Ruthie. This is one that will really make me think.
You did a good job with your meme. It may be a few days before I figure mine out, but thanks for tagging me.
I'm in. I'll be scratching my head about this for a while, but I'll let you know when it's posted.
Robin at Bumblebee
I love your memoir and the idea of it but it's too tough for me right now. Maybe later in the spring.
Great memoir, Ruthie. Thanks for playing along. I really liked this meme....required some thought and creativity.
Ruthie! Perfect! I love your 6 words. The ARE YOU!!! And the picture! Perfect, too.
Good one Ruthie, it describes you perfectly.
Very fun memoir and sweet illustration, glad you played. I've learned so much from reading people's six words and seeing their blogs:)
Thanks for playing, Ruthie. That is such a perfect meme for you. And as I had mentioned to those bloggers I had tagged, it definitely takes time and really makes you think. You rock, girl!
This sounds a little difficult, but I'll give it a whirl. I like your six word memoir, and I'm sure it's perfect for you - your Mom must know.
:) Also, love the pretty photo you chose. Thanks for inviting me to play.
Hi Lisa,
I had been thinking about it for several days after reading about it in someone elses blog. I figured if anyone tagged me I'd have a little jumpstart!
Hi Beth,
I hope you have fun with it. It's pretty hard for me to condense anything into 6 words!
Thanks for taking up the challenge, Robin. I'm sure you'll come up with something brilliant!
Hi Lynne,
That's ok....and I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about all the other things you've got going on right now.
Hi Meggie,
Finding the picture I wanted to use took almost as much thought as picking out my six words.
Hi Cathy,
Thank you, you always have such nice comments!
Thanks Mom....I guess you know me best! ;-)
Hi Bookbabie,
A brilliant idea you had! It will be fun seeing how many bloggers participate in this fun memoir.
Hi Mary C,
Thanks for tagging me. And a good exercise for my "not very creative" brain!
Hi April,
Hopefully you can come up with something, but if not right now, maybe a little later on....when more sunlight and warm weather provides more mental stimulation!
A knitting deer. How cute! (At least that's what crossed my mind when I saw the "caption" under the deer photo.
Carolyn H.
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