I got all the birdfeeders cleaned off and refilled and while we were eating supper, this big hungry cottontail showed up in the backyard while it was still light out. I almost never see them during the day, but I guess hunger overcame fear.

While I was washing the dishes I noticed three possums in the ground feeder tray outside the kitchen window. I grabbed my camera and headed downstairs to try and sneak out and take a picture of them, but when I went to open the door, I saw some deer were just coming into the backyard to see what sort of feast they could find in the birdfeeders. After they had cleaned out one ground feeder tray, they headed over to the feeder where there were still two possums eating. I was curious to see what was going to happen there.....and what do you think? I was amazed to see that the possums held their ground and wouldn't let the deer eat from that ground feeder tray! The deer looked kind of alarmed, and just from watching the possums defensive pose, I'm guessing there was a whole lot of hissing and growling going on! It was pretty interesting.
After a few minutes and more deer showed up, the possums finally gave up at that feeder and these five deer got the chance to clean up the remaining birdseed. Our neighbor across the road was just getting home from work and parked at his mailbox to grab his mail before driving into the garage, so that's what these deer were looking at (except for ADD Little Sister at the far right side). Right after I took this picture they all ran away.

Sorry the picture quality isn't better--I still need to work on my low-light picture taking skills. (In addition to the fact that this photo was taken through the kitchen window, I'm actually pleasantly surprised the picture turned out as good as it did.)