Sunday, August 30, 2009

Amazing Hummingbird Video

I love hummingbirds and the activity around my feeders this weekend has been nothing short of amazing. Flying, buzzing, chirping and chasing has been going on non-stop since it got light this morning. The most I counted at one time was 6 hummers, and this is definitely the most hummingbird activity I've ever seen around my house.

After supper, I decided to try and see if I could get a video of hand-feeding them. I have 5 nectar feeders in various locations around the house, but 2 of those are located on the deck (for maximum viewing pleasure). In order to get them to come to the nectar I'm holding, I have to hide the 2 feeders on the deck. They can still go to another feeder, but since they're used to coming to the deck, that's where I have the best chance of getting pictures of them.

In this video, you will see a pot of purple flowers in the background--right above those purple flowers is where one of the nectar feeders usually hangs, so that's why there's a lot of concentrated hummingbird activity in this area. I watched and fed these hummingbirds for about 20 minutes, but then decided I'd better put their regular feeders back up. Temps are going to be in the low 40's tonight and I wanted to make sure these busy little hummers consumed enough nectar to keep their little bodies stoked for overnight.

Here in the north country, hummingbirds will be migrating soon and it seems like their activity is always greatest this time of year. If you haven't tried handfeeding hummingbirds yet, now would be the perfect time. If you have a nectar feeder, just start by sitting outside and holding the feeder in your hand -- the hummingbirds will come! It takes a little getting used to--especially when they buzz right close to your ears, but I guarantee this will be one of the funnest things you will ever get the chance to do!


  1. Amazing isn't it. They come right to you and the little feeder and they are so vocal. I like to watch them flit and fly around.


  2. COOL!!! That must have been soooo fun! You know how I love hummers--I want to try that! I loved listening to their squeaks in the video too, they seemed to be chattering about something being up, like they were trying to decide if you were safe!

  3. We, too, have been amazed at the hummers this year. The highest number we've been able to count at the most popular feeder was nine at once! We'll have ones sitting on the feeder with their beaks in the hole slurping away and another one will be poking that one in the back of the head with his beak trying to get him to leave! Have never tried hand feeding but it looks like fun.

  4. This truly astonishing. Way to go Ruth!

  5. Thanks Mom. Even Rick was enjoying watching them this morning.

    Oh Kelly, that wasn't evening the half of it. It was chilly last even and I had a multi-colored stocking hat on--there was one little hummer buzzing around my head and I could feel her putting her beak against the bright colors of my hat! I'll be sorry to see them leave soon.

    Hi Mama Pea,
    I remember seeing that video Chicken Mama posted of the nectar feeder by your window. I wish my hummers got along as well as yours, but they almost never share the feeders--too busy chasing others away from their territory.

    Thanks Troutbirder. It's way better than anything on TV after supper!

  6. Oh my oh my oh my. I LOVE it. What a great way to interact with the most amazing little birds. And all that chittering. Just wonderful.

  7. It's so marvelous to have such a close relationship with the hummers. I love having my feeder right outside the window so I can watch and listen to them.

  8. I could not get it to play for me, but will check back later. It is so much fun to have them come so close! :c)

  9. Wow! I'm impressed! They always buzz us when we're camping in Wyoming, but I've only seen one since we've been here in the twin cities....

  10. Thanks Donna. I'm always amazed at how vocal they are too. Scrappy little birds, but sure fun to watch!

    Hi Gaelyn,
    I was thinking the other day when I made this video that it would be great to live someplace like Arizona where you had the chance to see hummingbirds year round. I'm glad you're enjoying them there.

    Hi Jayne,
    I hope you get a chance to see the video, but if not at least you have them right at your house for the "live" show too.

    Hi Danielle,
    It took me years to attract them to my backyard too. I would always get more during the fall migration and finally they remembered and started coming here in the spring too. Now I have them all summer--not lots (like they experience up north), but still enough to make watching fun!

  11. Oh. . . my. . . goodness!

  12. Love this...I'm getting a hummingbird tattoo tomorrow...will post a pic.

  13. Mary Lee, I hope you get a chance to try this yourself some day! It's one of the funnest things ever!

    Cool Cindie! can't wait to see it!


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