It was a day that even the cardinals approved of by singing their beautiful "what cheer" song throughout the morning. I stood out in the cold with the hopes that I might be able to capture a video of the cardinal's spring-y call, but they weren't that cooperative for me (even when I tried "singing" back to them with my trusty birdJam!). So instead of singing cardinals video, I had to satisfy myself (and this blog post) with photos of some of the visitors at my birdfeeders on this FeederWatch Wednesday.
Mammals don't count for Project FeederWatch purposes, but I couldn't resist this cute pose of this chubby little bushytail. I have a total of 3 coming at different times now to feast on corn and sunflower seeds.

Quite a few mourning doves are still hanging around this winter too. Poor Mrs. Cardinal doesn't have a chance with 3 hungry doves monopolizing this small tray feeder.

House sparrows are still the most numerous feeder bird every count day. They descend in huge flocks and disappear just as quickly, making it almost impossible to get an accurate count. I think there are at least 30 in this photo.

Two American Crows showed up for the count today also. Their feathers are so beautiful and sleek and while they prefer the dog food I sometimes put out in the tray feeders, this one seems to be OK with feasting on corn and sunflower seeds instead.

I love the little juncos! They so scrappy and fun to watch. They especially like white proso millet and are more than happy to scratch around for their favorite seed on any flat surface, including this old tree stump that doubles as a bird feeder.

There's cracked corn in this birdseed mix I put on the stump feeder too, so a hungry mourning dove isn't about to pass by the feast either!

Here's a cute shot of a "one-legged" junco perched in the crabapple tree right outside the dining window. On chilly Minnesota mornings, it's sure nice to have a built-in "down" jacket to warm up your little birdie toes!

I've been putting a hull-less seed blend in the window feeder (in addition to peanuts for the bluejays) and this sometimes attracts birds that I normally wouldn't see this close to the house. These little goldfinches love the sunflower hearts that are in this seed blend. As you can see, there is still no evidence of any bright yellow summer plumage yet. Oh well, it's nice to dream of spring anyway......
mercy it is still cold up your way. It was a balmy 36F here today and the sun was shining. I thought our birds were jumping the gun a little with their singing but if the birds up your way are singing I guess it is just the right amount of daylight to get them tuning up for spring.
It's so fun to watch the birds at the feeders. I too see cardinals, and junkos that don't have to fluff up so much as it's been in the 60s here.
A "bit" chilly? Man, you all are hardcore up there girlfriend! :c) I am shivering just looking at your thermometer! Love the variety of your visitors. :c)
Sure enjoyed your pics of the birds and critter. Ours are very vocal, it's like they haven't seen each other all winter.
Even our outdoor cats are lined up on the south facing picnic table bench, they are just soaking up the rays of the sun.
I love the Juncos, too. I know I've had friends who aren't fond of them, but I think they're fun and I love their winter spirit...it's nice to have someone at the feeders during bad weather!
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