I love it when they stand up on their hind legs to see what's going on. I didn't know it at the time, but there was another bunny making its way over to this birdfeeder.

It's really fun to see how all of the backyard critters seems to tolerate each other's presence. Obviously, the robin had no interest in the corn, so these two have no competition problems with each other.

Likewise with Mrs. Cardinal.......Bunny was content to continue eating from the ground while the cardinal picked out a few last minute seeds from the tray before heading off to her roosting spot for the night.

Now you see the other bunny has finally arrived to munch on the corn and seed spilled out from the tray during the day by those piggy grackles. And still, Mrs. Cardinal isn't bothered by the presence of 2 bunnies!

"Beat it, Mrs. Cardinal! Bunny now rules this corn tray!"
I don't have any photos, but once in a while when the deer are in the backyard, a bunny will show up and try to challenge the deer at the corn tray. That's always fun to watch, especially when it's one of the younger deer. They're so curious about the bunnies and the bunny seems to know this.....I've seen them make a challenging run right up to the deer and then scoot away just as quickly. This sometimes will really startle the deer. I don't know if it's some kind of fun game that these bunnies engage in or if it's really meant to try and scare the deer away, but it's still pretty neat to witness when it happens.