I like the way the dark blue of the sky makes the trees look so much greener.
While there was still some sun out, I took a little walk in the yard and here are some pictures of what's growing and blooming.
The Dutchman's Breeches are starting to bloom. I dug these from the woods and they live under the deck. They are really starting to spread from the original 2 plants I put in years ago.
Of course, my dandelions have started blooming. The honeybees and bumblebees really like these flowers. I like them too....I think they look like little suns on my lawn. Next to some dandelions are some little violets blooming also. I planted some a few years ago and they've started naturalizing themselves.
Here are the beginnings of some ferns also growing under the deck. Don't they look cool?
Big news in the bluebird house.....5 eggs! I checked on Saturday and there were only 3, so now 2 days later she has 5. I will mark today as the start of incubation and in about 2 weeks, there should be baby bluebirds (hopefully).
I got the hammock up on Saturday. These box elder trees are some of the original little box elder sticks that were saved when the property was graded after we moved in. In 1988 they were about 4 feet high. They have been holding the hammock now for about 4 years. I think it's pretty incredible that in 15 years those little spindly trees grew strong enough to hold a hammock with me in it. Every year they grow a little bigger, and I know this because I have to loosen the straps that hold the hammock hooks.
This hammock is one of my favorite places to be in the summer. I love to lay here after mowing the lawn and listen to the birds. Here's the view from the hammock.
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