Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Question

I have a question for you, my blogging friends: Does anyone subscribe to Mother Earth News? I was doing a Google search for recipes this morning and came across a highbush cranberry jelly recipe on their website. I've heard of the publication before, and the subscription wasn't very expensive, but I'm wondering if anyone who is a subscriber could give me some feedback.
  1. Do you like the magazine? (anything about the magazine you especially like or dislike?)
  2. Are there too many ads in there?
  3. Does it contain valuable advice for all gardeners/cooks or is it really geared towards hard-core "back to nature" folks?
  4. Does it focus on organic and/or natural gardening?

I could probably find a copy in the magazine aisle at Fleet Farm to peruse, but I'm not sure when I'll be going to Fleet Farm again since I stocked up on critter food just yesterday (and I need to limit my visits there because I can never seem to get out of the store without spending at least $30).

Thank You!


Anonymous said...

Never heard of it, Sorry! BTW: Love your Red Admiral Shot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruthie,
If you go to mother earth and you can find out what you want to know. My mother used to get copies of the magazine when I was a kid.

LauraHinNJ said...

I get old issues from my SIL who subscribes. Seems like a nice magazine!