We took a trip last Sunday over to Owatonna for the Minnesota Alpaca Expo. This was such a fun event for us last year that we decided to make the trip again. Alpacas are not the friendliest creatures -- they don't really care to be petted or even have strangers standing very close to them. However, I was able to photograph some of the many different colors and cute faces that we saw at this show and wanted to share them with you in this post.
No, this wasn't a talking alpaca -- just happened to snap the picture in "mid-chew"
No ears on this guy! Their ears are very expressive and it seemed like when something was going on they didn't like, the ears went down or back......extreme paparazzi disapproval here!
Pretty gray coloring on this alpaca (I was seeing yarn shades.....)
Alpaca Kiss!
I really liked the colors on this one!
And look at this beautiful dark, dark brown color......like french roast coffee or dark chocolate!
This is Fancy Pants, sporting a fashionable hat and heading off to the show ring
Three different colored alpacas from the same farm (notice two have ears but one is in "no photos, please!" mode)
This sweet little gray one was watching some activity at the pen across the way.
This was also a fiber show and not limited to alpacas -- the angora bunnies were there!
along with their angora bunny babies! I love angora -- it makes the softest (but very expensive!) yarn.
These guys were anxious to get back on the road to their home in Wisconsin.
I bought only 1 skein of yarn. This colorway is called Ripe Tomato.
There's 500 yards in the skein and I'll be using it to knit this shawl. Can't wait to get started on it......