A female Pileated Woodpecker showed up at the big suet feeder right outside the back door. That was really exciting as it's the first time I've have a pileated in the backyard. She's come back a few times since then, but she's not a regular daily visitor yet.

Oops! Dropped some suet! Check out those huge feet.....I think that each square on that mesh is about 1 inch.

Here's a pretty snow-covered evergreen in the backyard......just one of many. The snow covered boughs provide some nice protection for the birdies that roost inside the snowy shelter.
Always nice to get the seed catalogs to dream away the winter. Nice camera. Look forward to some more great bird shots with that baby.
My brother got that same camera! Have fun with it! You're so lucky to have the Pileated showing up. In eleven years, one has never graced our feeders!! Happy New Year!
Wow... what a great gift Ruthie!! Can't wait to see all your photos. :c) Send that Pileated down here for a bit, will you?
Wow, what a nice camera. Can't wait to see more fun photos. I have yet to have a Pileated, but I keep wishing.
Wow, what a beautiful bird. I've never seen one out in nature. And Wow, nice camera! I need to get back into shooting--new camera needed. Had been using a very old film camera that needs work. How do you like your new one? Or is that a stupid question?!
What are you setting around and knitting for. Get out there and use that camera.
That is quite a nice camera from Mr Johnson, he sure can pick them, and a telephoto lense. Will we get close-ups now too?
Happy New Year Ruthie. And good luck with that new camera. Need to upgrade that toy myself! :)
Wow! I'm trying some new stuff this year at our feeders to try and get a pileated to come in for lunch! Cool!
Nice camera! I have liked every Canon we have had.
Thanks Gaelyn. It will be a challenge to learn all of the things my new camera can do, but I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks Kelly. I waited many years for the pileated to show up too, hopefully you're enjoying all your other backyard birds in the meantime!
Thanks Jayne. And I'll share my pileated if you'll send me a Brown-Headed Nuthatch in exchange! ;-)
Thanks Bonnie. Hope your pileated wish comes true in 2011!
Hi Mollie, unfortunately no Pileated Woodpeckers in California, but you might be able to see one on your next visit to Wisconsin. Haven't had a chance to learn all the features of this new camera yet, but I'll keep working on it and sharing my results on the blog and FB.
Gosh Richard, knitting's already something I know well -- this new camera is going to be a challenge, but I'm working on it.....so far I've learned how to change the lenses and charge the battery (baby steps!)
Hi Mom,
I've had my eye on this camera for years. All's Mr. Johnson had to do was pay for it! Fortunately it went on sale at my neighborhood Best Buy store right before Christmas and we got the last one they had left in the store. Watch for many close-ups (once I figure everything out)
Thanks Ray & Happy New Year to you also.
Hi Marianne,
Good luck in your pileated quest. Hope you enjoy all your other birds in the meantime!
Thanks Ruth. I've always had Canon's too and liked them. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with this new one!
Does Mr Johnson have any $$$ left over to get something for his FAVORITE sister-in-law?? LOL I'm so jealous!
Oh Sissy, I'm sure he'll spring for your meal at Hardees later on today! ;-)
You were wrong....
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