Since last Friday was a regular working day at IBM, today was our day off for the New Year's holiday. It was nice to be able to sleep in for one last day and also to have another day for taking pictures with my new camera. These little Pine Siskins at the thistle seed feeders on my deck were good models.

Later on in the morning, I switched from tiny birds to a really big bird! This is one of the Bald Eagles from the pair that has the nest just up the road from our place (we call it the Fleet Farm Eagle because the nest is across the highway from the big Fleet Farm store). It was perched on this branch, but I asked Mr. Johnson to try driving a little bit closer so I could get out of the car and take a few more pictures.

I actually was hoping this eagle might decide that it didn't like us getting so close and decide to fly away.

Which it did! (and in case you're wondering, it wasn't too disturbed because it only flew about a hundred yards away to another tree farther away from the annoying person by that car)

I like the continuous shooting feature on this camera which enabled me to get this series of shots as the eagle flew past me.

I especially liked this shot! Click on the photo to enlarge it so you can see the beautiful detail on this raptor's feathers.

I look forward to taking more pictures of this pair of Bald Eagles in the spring when they're ready to occupy their nest at the edge of this woods and raise another family.
I hope the eagles nest there again this year, it has been a real treat to see them when we head home from Fleet Farm. We always watch them until the foliage on the trees get to be too much. Great pics of the eagles.
Hi Mom,
I bet they'll nest there again this year. We saw the pair of them at the nest earlier this morning.
Great pics!
I'll bet we'll see quite a few eagles to photograph tomorrow!
See you there-
I thought the Pine Siskins were a treat and then you pull a Bald Eagle out of your hat. You slay me. (LOL)
Awesome! The continuous shot did great. Look forward to seeing more of this bald.
Wow, up close and personal. Real bald eagles. Impressive.
Thanks Marianne!
I'm sure we will Lynne! Looking forward to it....
Hi Mary,
Both were lucky sightings I think. Since it was a FeederWatch count day, I was esp. happy to get the Pine Siskins! Now I just have to drive around a find a road-killed deer to drag into the backyard and try to attract the eagles! That would be a spectacular addition to my Project FeederWatch checklist!
Thanks Gaelyn. I'm sure there will be more to come.
Thanks Donna. I'm still amazed they've continued to live along this most busiest stretch of highway in Rochester.
Boy, am I smiling! Those photos are amazing Ruthie!
Beautiful shots, Ruthie! Bald eagles are so regal!!
I am wondering where they go to roost at night. I've seen a pair hanging around a kill, all day, at 5 degrees, just sitting in a tree. Then at dusk, poof, they are gone. Where do they like to roost that would be warmer?
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