Thursday, May 31, 2007
A & W Update
Another Invitation for You
I'm going to digress a bit here as to work my way towards your invitation.....I worked at an art gallery/custom picture framing studio from 2000 to 2003. Because of my employee discount and bonuses at that job, I have lots of framed art on my walls, in every room (including bathrooms). Because I feel that art is such an important part of my life, I would like to invite you to share your favorite piece of art.
Here are some guidelines:
1) It can be any type of art: a framed print, a quilt made by your great-grandmother, your child's glittery, painted macaroni poster from kindergarten, a picture you painted, an outdoor sculpture in your garden. It just has to be your one favorite piece.
2) Tell me the story about why it's your favorite or what special meaning the art has for you.
3) Please send your photos and stories to me by June 16th at my e-mail address: rjknits at msn dot com
In celebration of the summer solstice, I will post your responses on my June 21st blog entry.
I look forward to hearing from you!
It's going to be a beautiful evening, perfect for a trip to the A & W. I do love my bike and will try to make it happy.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
New Hair Day
I know my hair's too long when I have to start using the curling iron to style it. At 4:30 in the morning, messing around with my hair is the last thing I want to do. During the summer, the curl never holds in the hot/humid weather anyway.
A couple years ago I switched to the short, spikey style. I really like this style. It's easy, fast and fun, plus when it's the short and messy style, gray hairs don't show as much!
Now that my hair is short again, you can see my little butterfly tattoo better.
After my haircut, I stopped off at the Stewartville Public Library to return my overdue books and pick up some new ones. I like Stewartville's overdue policy--they have a grace period of almost 10 days. I could go on-line to renew my books, but I usually never remember.
Now I only have to decide which book to start first!
Here's a picture of my blue Crocs. After hearing from so many people how comfortable they are, I decided to try a pair. I wanted to get pink ones, but they didn't have any in my size, so I went with this more conservative blue color. It's hard to believe that a plastic clog can be so comfortable, but they really are. The sole is so squishy it's almost like walking on a marshmallow. They're pretty dorky-looking, but I will sacrifice vanity for comfort any day of the week.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
No Inspiration
Someone at work e-mailed me a really cute movie of dogs doing silly things and I wanted to share it with you, but I don't know how to add movies to my blog.
The last of my brain power was used up on these peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies.
Here's the recipe:
1 cup creamy or chunky peanut butter
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
3/4 cup milk chocolate chips
Granulated sugar
(that's right, no butter or flour!)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine peanut butter, brown sugar and egg in medium bowl until well blended. Add chocolate chips to the dough and mix well. Roll heaping tablespoonfuls of dough into 1-1/2 inch balls. Place dough balls about 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Dip table fork into granulated sugar. Press sugar-coated tines of fork in crisscross fashion onto each ball, flattening to 1/2-inch thickness. Repeat dipping fork into granulated sugar to prevent it from sticking to dough. Bake cookies on middle oven rack until set, about 12 minutes. Let cookies stand on baking sheets for 2 minutes. Remove cookies with spatula to wire racks and let cool completely.
Yield: about 2 dozen cookies (depending on how much dough you eat before baking!)
If you're going to a potluck or just need to make a quick batch of cookies for a treat, these are really good....nice and soft. They won't last long!
Monday, May 28, 2007
A Trip Around the Yard
Sunday, May 27, 2007
2 More Jobs Done
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Flower Planting
This is a huge plant and Dad got it when he first started teaching school, so it's probably about 50 years old!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad

Dad is a pretty snazzy dresser and gets dressed up for work every day. He has an extensive collection of neckties!

Here's Dad chatting with a Viking at the Hjemkomst Festival in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Charlie (Phil's little boy), Brother Phil, and Dad at the Sacramento airport getting ready to come home from our visit to California.
Dad is slowing down a little bit now, but wow, 74 years! I can only hope to make it that long. So, Happy Birthday Dad, and because I don't say it often enough, I Love You!

Here's a sweater I made for Dad a couple years ago. It was a very cold spring and he got to wear his new sweater on Easter Sunday!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Baby Birds and a Storm
After supper, a line of thunderstorms moved into the area. Here are some of the ominous looking clouds. We listened to the Twin Cities news and saw pictures and stories of the severe storms they'd had earlier in the afternoon. Fortunately for us, these clouds only looked scary. They didn't bring too much rain or wind, and thankfully no hail at all.
I'm kind of a cautious wimp when it comes to storms, but living here up on the top of the hill provides some excellent views of incoming weather and I can always grab the pets and quickly dash to the safety of the basement when that siren starts to wail.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
How About Those Pets?

Penny is our next oldest pet. She was 11 in March. I got her from a co-worker who lived on a farm. She's been a pretty good kitty and gets along really well with the dogs. She loves to eat and unfortunately she's somewhat overweight for which the vet always scolds us.

Sophie is always hungry and will go to any length to get to that last bit of kibble!

Penny has her food and water on the dining room table so the dogs don't eat it. When people come over to the house, I always have to try and remember to take it off the table so people who aren't pet owners don't get grossed out. I always like to see picture of other people's pets sitting on the chair and eating food at the table, because I know how it is to be owned by pets and it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who allows (encourages) this sort of activity.

Daisy, Sophie, and their cousin Shelby waiting for treats.
Monday, May 21, 2007
At-Home Monday
When I went out on the deck to fill the birdbaths, here's what I saw across the highway: